Bed Provided tents come with beds and sleeping pads but you will need to bring your own sleeping bags and/or blankets and pillows. If you are camping and traveling from far away, or have other concerns about bedding, we can help. Be sure to let us know your needs in the CAMPER RSVP form when you book. You can revise your answers at any time.
Sleeping bag
Blankets or anything else you might need to keep warm!
Bath There are bathrooms and showers on site. A large, shared bathroom, there are outlets to primp for the day of the wedding, running water and plenty of items to meet your needs. Please plan on packing your usual toiletries. If you have concerns, please let us know. We will provide some towels for those folks traveling to get here.
Shower Needs (shower shoes might be preferred)
Clothing Be sure to watch the weather, available via link under The Day tab or by clicking here. Pack layers for camping and something to wear to the wedding. There are hiking trails and wineries nearby, plenty of activities for you to do. This might be one of the cleanest camping experiences you will ever have. The site is well-equipped.
Food We are excited to host breakfast for each morning you wake up on site, as well as appetizers and dinner after our ceremony Saturday night. We will also have coffee and some light breakfast items Sunday morning at the site. Please plan on bringing all of your other needs. There is room for coolers and food in the kitchen and in your tents. There are several nearby restaurants, cafes and stores to suit your needs. Let us know if you have any questions!